Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy Republic day

Yet another Republic Day is going to be celebrated in a few days...
I wish all Indians a very happy republic Day in advance...

Often people are interested in exchanging messages even weeks before Valentines Day but very few are interested in exchanging patriotic messages during Republic and Independence days. In the race of following the western culture, we are forgetting our nation. At least we should remember our national heroes during these National days. Today we celebrated the Army Day(Jan 15). But very few people are aware about such a celebration (even I remembered it when I saw the news paper!). We are living safely and securely in our homes because of these armed forces who are safeguarding us from internal and external threats. But very few people acknowledge their efforts.

My biggest dream was to join any of the defense forces and serve the nation. But due to some technical reasons I ended up in a Bank!