Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Degradation of Indian Democracy

Indian democracy is hailed as one of the best democracies in the world, and obviously the largest. Indian democratic system is degrading day by day. Are only the politicians responsible for this? Definitely not.

A 72 year old man had to go onto indefinite fast for us to start raising our voice against corruption. Corruption is not confined to politicians and bureaucrats. Its spread everywhere in civil society. Even some of us who are raising their voice against corruption are corrupted in some way or the other. They may be evading tax, involved in hoarding, violating some laws etc etc.

The political parties are offering many freebies to the voters if they come to power. We must understand that these freebies are not the basic necessities required for people. They are luxury goods like TV, fridge, washing machine etc. We are living in a country where many people are struggling hard to eat food once in a day, where people are at the mercy of the government and officials for getting drinking water etc etc. Instead of spending the money for the betterment of these people, they are spending the money in favour of corporate giants.

We cannot tar the politicians alone for a corrupt system. There are a few politicians who are making the entire system corrupted. A single drop of poison is more than enough to make a bucket of water poisonous. The only way to get out of this is to prevent that single drop from falling into the bucket. Elections are the best time to filter some of these poisonous drops. In order to do this, we should think beyond politics.

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